Remember that one time !!I WON!! my very first blog giveaway from my friend Anne?
This wasn’t rigged because I invited like everyone I knew to enter because I believe in Anne’s work THAT much… But my room was THAT bad. Thank you, Vanessa for making me feel a little bit better.
Anyway, I was so pumped that I won. I think I was as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning.
So…here was the “Before Anne worked her magic” version of my laundry room. (And in my defense, never mind. It was really THAT bad.)
I mean…that’s just embarrassing.
And kudos to Anne who let her dear precious child be apart of the action. I mean the poor girl could have probably gotten tetanus from all that junk! She was adorable as she found “treasures” to play with. Her favorite was a frisbee Joel used as a paint holder and an electrical socket cover she used as a cell phone. Too cute.
Here’s the insanity once it all got moved to the kitchen. Which is the primary reason we ordered pizza for dinner when the boys got home from work!
8 trash bags later…here’s our clean canvas. Swept, mopped and Lysol-ed!
What was so funny was that all through our declutter/over-haul, Anne kept getting mystified about why we had so many random items. I had to keep reminding her that we run an entire campus ministry out of our laundry room!! :)
Although when she asked, “Is Joel like a cord collector?” I too was mystified. :)
I even got a laundry folding table out of the deal!!
All that’s “out” is our camping gear and 1 box of ministry stuff that I have vowed will be given away by May!
Praise the Lord for a whole new room in my house and THANK YOU, Anne!
The post Before & After: Laundry Room Edition appeared first on Joel + Kitty's Blog.